From plastic to pixels
From plastic to pixels represents a shifting curve in Sasha Sime artistic practice, —
a three year period, started from rustling plastic manifesto in Nectar and finished as a glowing pixels, moving on La Plataforma Gallery walls
Back in 2018 and during his residency at Nectar, — a rural centre for production, creation and artistic research that runs an Artist Residence Program, in a remote off-the-grid farmhouse located in the midst of a Natural Park in north Catalonia, — Sasha developed "Zero Flags" project. These series of flags were made with adhesive tape and polyethylene — the most commonly produced plastic, a material, detached from any concrete link to a physical place or territory, symbolizing instead non-state fake plastic flags.
This project turned out to be a watershed between the previous nature of his work, — an emotional, picturesque, sensual, and the introduction of formal rules. Right after the residency the project was shown in the group exhibition "Land(e)scapes" (Carles Taché Gallery, Barcelona, 2018), as part of Nectar's Residency Program.
In 2018—2020 artist kept on working with plastic components and synthetic materials, as can be seen in his solo show "Stories" (Ox Poblenou, Barcelona, 2019). By that time, he started to translate Flags graphic pattern into a traditional media, using paper and canvas.
In 2019 Sasha moved from Barcelona to a small village on Costa Brava (Girona) coast, — to the rural, countryside area, — to the slow life and the reconnection with nature. This move led the artist to work with natural and organic materials and to explore the digital instead of the plastic. It also affected both the aesthetic and conceptual matter of Sasha's work — a role of a clear line and a strict grid in his works has significantly grown, an extensive colour field and massive objects became visual dominants, and an active action was replaced by observation and selection.
The following years (2020-2022), Sasha started developing graphic patterns of the Flag grid, on the basis of a grid-only approach and digital media. This evolution resulted in a series of digital works that extend grids to different types and creates three different sets, based on variety of principles such as the Mono Flags – the first step – the transitional stage from plastic to pixel; the Grids, rhythmic compositions with the same constants but with a different formal pattern and the Blend, a new language with more variables, a frozen time represented by a large colour spot or an element, changing shape.
In October 2022 took pace his personal solo show "BLOCK", at La Plataforma Gallery (Barcelona), in where the artist used the blocks as a visual expression of the standpoint.

A block is a large solid piece of – usually - hard material, instead, in this exhibition, the artist chose basic materials, such as ink (on paper and canvas), and new materials, like ceramic, to represent these solid pieces in a repetitive way, focusing on the flow, the gravity and the physical characteristics of such materials. In addition, Sasha also showed six digital artworks in giclee print on paper.
As a conclusion of the show, and a final point of the Plastic to Pixels curve, Sasha made "Blend In Motion / Moving figures" — digital show, based exclusively on Grid and Blend sets as a part of Poblenou Open Night event at La Plataforma Gallery.
This project, presentation, and website "From Plastic to Pixels" has been realized by artist Sasha Sime within the context of Nectar's Online Artist Support Program [December 2022 — January 2023]

*Text was written by Olga Sureda (Nectar's co-founder) with Sasha Sime's review

Nectar conectar
Rural co-living /non-profit cultural organization
Artist residency